As a parent of two, a wife to one, a friend to many and a colleague to some, my days are full. Each year I am looking forward to the end of the school year for a brief reprieve. Summer.
As the summer hours, days, moments and events come to a quick close, there comes a time when I am panic-stricken. I realize I have to go back, find the school list that came home in the last bundle of paper that is still in the backpack, or look online in hopes that the new teacher has it posted, or worse yet, venture to the store in search of the infamous school supply list. Not for one, but for two!
Different. Different lists. Different stores. Different prices. A lot of time. A lot of gas. A lot of frustration. A lot of anxiety. A lot of money on all of those things that are not on the list that find their way into the cart. Then separate, re-bag and drag it all into the building on meet-the-teacher night. Uuggh!
So, we have created some relief! PackEd makes school supply shopping a breeze for parents and ensure teachers have exactly what they need for their classrooms – in a much less stressful and more convenient way!
PackEd is excited to offer customized school supply services for schools, educators and families. These convenient customized school supply packs are filled with brand-name products that match the requests of each school supply list.
All we need is two things:
a) your list of supplies and
b) payment.
That’s it. There are no contracts. No registration fees. No hidden costs.
Parents pay and PackEd prepares.
Please take a look through the information on this site and contact us with any questions!
Juanita Morris, owner
Mom to 7th grade son & 5th grade daughter